The following activities are open to the general public on a regular basis so why not pop along and join in

Monday Mornings starting March 2019  – Line Dancing 10-11.30am

Tuesday 7-8pm Circuit Training

Thursday Mornings 10-11am Special Needs Playgroup

Thursday Evenings0 7-8pm Circuit Training

Friday Afternoon Walking Group meet for walk and refreshments after

Saturday Mornings Dance lessons hosted by Dance Vibes Studio

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Jaunuary 2019 the new ceiling was installed designed to help with the acoustics when we have live music. New lighting has also been incorporated.

New photos will be updated soon of the new kitchen, also the toilets have also had an update.


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Refurbishment Developments

An order for new windows throughout the Hall has now been placed with the Classic Window Company and work starts on 7th May. This should help improve the insulation of the building which is a problem at the moment. Later in the year the toilets will be renewed as well as new flooring and redecoration of the Entrance Hall and Committee Room. It is the Committee’s intention to improve facilities for those who use the Hall. We are also looking at ways to improve the …

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Annual General Meeting : Wednesday 1st May

The Annual General Meeting of the Village Hall is to be held on Wednesday 1st May at 7.30 pm in the Committee Room. Everyone who lives in the Parish of Nether Whitacre is welcome to attend.


1. Welcome & Minutes of Last Meeting

2. Matters Arising

3. Chairman’s Report

4. Treasurer’s Report

5. Booking Secretary’s Report

6. AOB

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.

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Nether Whitacre Village Hall Website

Nether Whitacre Village Hall was conceived as a resource for the local community and remains so to this day. The Committee has reaffirmed its’ commitment to this concept and wants to ensure that everyone in the Parish of Nether Whitacre has the opportunity to use the facility at some time. The Hall is being used for many different events such as the Caravan Club, Badminton, Zumba classes, Bowling, Children’s Parties, Dog Shows to mention a few – it’s surprising the range of events …

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