Nether Whitacre Village Hall Website

Nether Whitacre Village Hall was conceived as a resource for the local community and remains so to this day. The Committee has reaffirmed its’ commitment to this concept and wants to ensure that everyone in the Parish of Nether Whitacre has the opportunity to use the facility at some time. The Hall is being used for many different events such as the Caravan Club, Badminton, Zumba classes, Bowling, Children’s Parties, Dog Shows to mention a few – it’s surprising the range of events that do happen. As part of trying to raise the Hall’s profile we have commissioned a logo (above) and a website (again above). The latter is under construction and is being designed to give access to groups or individuals who would like to hire it or would like to know what’s happening there. Try it out but beware it’s not finished yet!

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee has given opportunities to provide for the community events to celebrate this national celebration. The Whitacre Family Fun Day, the Party Night with Jonny Ricard and the Strawberry Tea for the Over 60s are examples of what the committee can give back to the residents of the Parish. Also to commemorate the event every household in the Parish has been given a mug with the official Jubilee logo as well as the Village Hall’s. I would like to thank the Parish Council, who always support the Hall Committee and North Warwickshire Borough Council for their financial input in staging these events. Also, a big thanks to those Committee members and volunteers who have given up so much of their time to plan and deliver these events. Without their inspiration and perspiration nothing would be possible.

We are already looking forward to the future. Like any organisation we need to keep up to date in outlook and facilities. Over the next year we will be assessing how the Hall can be refurbished for the benefit of the users. All monies raised will go to improving facilities for you, the community of Nether Whitacre Parish. If you are someone who already uses the Hall or not and have a constructive suggestion of how we could improve facilities please let us know via the website. We are also planning to distribute a Newsletter as well to let people know what’s going on.

Keep an eye and an ear open for future developments!

Dave Williams


Nether Whitacre Village Hall Committee